As the current pandemic begins to ease its grip on the globe, there are many companies that have decided to implement the remote working environment as there specific way of doing business. If the pandemic taught us anything, it taught is how to adapt and overcome adversity. The business world has begun the migration ‘back’ to the traditional office, but that office looks like anything but traditional these days!
The ability to remotely work had been on the back burner for many companies. They had models indicating that this move away from offices would be feasible, and for the most part, these companies were thrust into these models literally with a flip of a switch. We now realize just how feasible it can be to work from home, or anywhere with a steady and reliable internet connection.
The idea to convert to a total remote working system was just what these companies needed to face the pandemic. The question changed from ‘can we do this’ to ‘how can we do this better?’ So, for the IT departments around the globe they now had the weight of the world on their shoulders as they rushed to get the virtual offices up and running. They simply didn’t have the time to spare to be concerned about the pandemic and the remote work environment was literally born overnight.
So, what exactly does this mean going forward in a post pandemic world? Is the remote work option going to be a part of post pandemic landscape? If your company has decided to reopen its doors, will your company kill the remote office, or will it convert to a hybrid workplace?
What Types of Industry Stands Poised Ready to Go Hybrid?
As much talk as there is on the hybrid workplace, and remote working, there are a few industries that simply cannot work this way. Industries like food services, healthcare, construction, and retail will still be the status quo as remote working is not an option for them. The industries that will see a higher percentage of workers operating remotely tend to be in the knowledge business, Companies like Twitter, Square, and Dropbox say that their employees prefer to work from home at least 3 days per week. These are the companies that really don’t require much in the way of a traditional office space, while financial giants like Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs will require their employees to return to the office.
Most of the companies that will offer remote working post pandemic are likely to adopt the hybrid model and split the workers time between brick and mortar offices and the virtual workplaces. This actually tends to go over quite well with most employees and the hybrid workplace model is now a selling tool for prospective employees going forward. If you and your company are following the hybrid model, what will your work week look like?
In a recent survey from the tech company Envoy, 48%or nearly half of the people surveyed said that they would prefer to work 2 or 3 days at home or 2 or 3 days at the office. In that same survey, 41 percent of that 48% said they would take a pay cut to make the hybrid workplace happen. That makes clear what workers trends are going to look like for the foreseeable future regarding remote work.
How Is Your Company Poised to Go Remote?
So the trend is that more of the employees that were asked about working from home, the more of them stated they would whatever it takes to go to a remote/office hybrid work model. But how many of these industries are ready to switch over to the hybrid workplace? When the pandemic forced them into remotely working, it was out of need rather than want. With that in mind, the companies that thrived during one of the worst economic downturns in American history are simply waiting on a ‘green light’ to go to the hybrid model of working.
If you happen to be in one of those pools of employees, where does your company stand to go to a remote office workplace? If your company steadily delivered during the pandemic, then you should totally expect your company to do even better in the post pandemic world. Which companies do you think will take their business to the next level by having a remote/office workplace? Which industries do you see rising to the top in productivity due to the hybrid workplace model? Did your company keep posting the type of numbers that kept the company in the black, or was your company struggling at best to try and gain a piece of the pie during the pandemic?
Who Has The Tech Available Right Now to Launch Your Hybrid Workplace?
You and your company could be poised in such a position that your trend for the immediate future is to be the leader of your specific industry. But what if, after dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s, you don’t have the AV package that you need to succeed? The companies that will thrive post pandemic will be those that have the systems and the software in place to do gigantic things with;
- Virtual Meeting Rooms
- Teleconferencing
- Classrooms for Digital Learning
- Cloud Video Services
- Operation Centers
You need the right mix of all these components to make a statement that you are primed and ready to train employees on remote operations, and video conference with your global partners, all at the same time!
The company that has these systems for your success is of course VSGI. When you integrate these services from VSGI, you are letting your employees and your competition know that you have the best tools that money can buy for all of your communication and collaboration needs!
The pandemic made us take a step back and look at how we could do things and do them better in a remote work environment. When you and your team are ready to make the switch to the new hybrid workplace, let the team from VSGI show you how to do business remotely.